Blog about Personal Finances, Investments, Money Management and Financial Freedom

Money Race 2 Released!


Money Race 2 is finally live!

Announcing Money Race 2 Beta and first screenshots

After almost two years in development and a few weeks of private testing, we are happy to announce that the beta version of Money Race 2 will be released in just a few days.

In search of financial freedom

Always try to get the money you need doing what you really love

When you have the ability to satisfy all your financial needs, without relying on anyone nor doing something that you do not like, you may say that you enjoy an economic wellbeing and that you have financial freedom.

The opposite of financial freedom is the financial dependence, this is when people are dependent on others to provide them the money they need to cover the expenses for their needs and support their lives.

Help us build Money Race 2

We want to hear from you and know what do you have to say to improve Money Race.

Just answer a few quick questions on this survey so we can know exactly what all the players want for Money Race 2.

Money Race 2 is going to be a huge improvement. We are building it for Android, iOS and iPad. And it’s going to have some amazing new game modes like online multiplayer with social features, new maket system for assets like real estate or stocks, beautiful brand new interface, and a lot more we are keeping secret for now.

We have plans to release this new version for the last quarter of 2014.

Give us your feedback and let’s build a great game: Money Race 2 Survey.

Note after releasing Money Race 2: This survey is no longer available.

Follow us and like on Twitter and Facebook

We would love to have our users satying up to date with the latest news about Money Race 2 so we can receive as much feedback as possible and always know how you react to the new features that will be announced soon.

Our user accounts on Twitter and Facebook is moneyracegame and you can find us here:

New website

Money Race 2 is going to be launched in a few months and we wanted to have ready a brand new website that will incorporate some of the new features of Money Race 2 and will be used to keep every user up to the date regarding the latest news and features of the new upcoming version.